Elizabeth Haren

Director – Haren Consulting


Elizabeth is proud to be a Fellow and Chartered Professional of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy since 2000 and a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists since 2016.

As a passionate Technical Mentor and experienced Resource Geologist, Elizabeth will be a dynamic and enthusiastic professional addition to your team of dedicated people.  Elizabeth will be focused on your growing and thriving company by utilising her extensive geological and expert resource estimation skills.  Elizabeth is a passionate and high energy person looking forward to getting to know the team, help your company produce the most robust resource base possible, and achieve the best value from projects and acquisitions.  Elizabeth is an accomplished resource geologist and brings to you experience in virtually all estimation techniques using a number of different software packages.  Elizabeth’s communication skills to all levels from juniors through to managing directors, both written and verbal, has been polished through exposure during her consulting career.

Elizabeth loves a good challenge and she is able to adapt to change, respond well under pressure and make decisions when they need to be made.  Innovative thinking will allow Elizabeth to develop solutions to any issues that may arise on site or in the office.  Elizabeth is passionate about learning and looks forward to being able to share her knowledge and experience working closely with your company.

Elizabeth established Haren Consulting in 2007 to provide specialist resource geology services for the mining industry including technical mentoring, resource estimation, training, reconciliation, conditional simulation and QA/QC analysis.  The challenge of starting her own company has helped Elizabeth to focus her business skills and better appreciate the practicalities of working organisations.  Elizabeth continues to build strong technical relationships with clients through combining project work with sharing of knowledge through technical mentoring and training initiatives.  Elizabeth strives to continue adding value to clients business through developing their technical abilities while helping and achieve immediate deadlines for project work.  Haren Consulting is committed to:

Specialist geological services to help realise potential in your projects and your people.

Career Highlights:

Before establishing Haren Consulting, Elizabeth worked with a large consulting firm which broadened Elizabeth’s experience from mostly operational roles into a range of interesting projects.  Experience was gained working on projects from exploration potential assessments and resource estimation for pre-feasibilities, to mature working mines around the world.  Working with clients on large projects has given Elizabeth experience in organising achievable results in a timely manner.  Elizabeth spent six months consulting from Johannesburg in South Africa where she worked in a small office and largely independently with clients.  Working in South Africa allowed Elizabeth to appreciate doing business in different countries with different cultural values. 

By working in various geological environments and with a range of commodities Elizabeth has an excellent appreciation of the complexities and pitfalls of estimating robust resources.  A fascinating resource estimation project was a copper-gold project in Georgia which involved complex geology and structural controls on mineralisation. 

Elizabeth collaborated with a colleague to build a new business group specialising in Technical Mentoring to accelerate the technical expertise of clients.  Technical Mentoring is a fantastic opportunity to take consulting to a new level and share experiences and knowledge with clients and associates.

Some of the complementary (to resource estimation) projects Elizabeth worked on include reconciliation and geostatistical analysis, technical auditing, feasibility studies, due diligence studies and independent experts’ reports.  Projects involved a range of commodities worldwide, including gold, copper, platinum group elements, bauxite, zinc and iron ore.  Software utilised includes DATAMINE, VULCAN, Isatis, Surpac and the suite of Snowden software. 


Previous to joining the consulting world Elizabeth worked for Placer Dome which was a large multi-national resource company before being taken over by Barrick.  The highlight of working for Placer Dome was the opportunity to lead field testing of conditional simulation software at the Cortez Gold Mine, Nevada, USA.  This was a project run from the Placer Dome Technology Group and involved four months of field testing and six weeks of analysis.  In this role Elizabeth worked almost entirely independently whilst at site and the project achieved a saving of over $US 250,000 for the four months.

A close second highlight was being a part of the team that developed the Wallaby resource which eventually went into production in 2001. 

Working for Granny Smith near Laverton in Western Australia introduced Elizabeth to the world of mining, mine geology, grade control, geostatistics, resource modelling, reconciliation and conditional simulation.  Elizabeth gained a deep appreciation of how mines are run and how to multi task with four pits operating simultaneously.  Elizabeth completed resource estimation and report compilation for both internal mine accounting, Placer Dome and the Australian and Canadian markets.



Resource Modelling in an Evolving Mine – CSA Mine, Cobar, New South Wales.  J Hosken, E Haren and A Winchester. 6th International Mining Geology Conference, August 2006.

Mentoring and Your Career.  E Haren.  New Leaders Conference, April 2006.

Squeezing More Out Of Your Orebody At Wallaby.  E Haren E Maidens and M Titley.  5th International Mining Geology Conference, November 2003.

Mine Geology Practices at the Sunrise Open Pit.  E Haren and P Williams.  4th International Mining Geology Conference, May 2000.

Please email info@haren.com.au for copies of any of these papers.



Specialist geological services to help realise potential in your projects and your people


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